Monday, December 10, 2012

weekend inventory

OK Hank is getting shots today and I've been in a state of panic since yesterday.  So I'll just get it out there that my crafting plans for yesterday went right out the window.  Instead I just cuddled with my baby like a nervous mommy.  I do want to share some extra adorable pictures of my bebe though.  Mustache Monday anyone?

Other than that we had a fun weekend.  Friday we thrifted our asses off and Hank was such a trooper.  It was rainy & nasty out and we went to about six stores! We switched him from the car seat to the moby wrap every time and he didn't even so much as fuss!  He clearly knew he was getting the lions share of our thrifting spoils.
Saturday we did some running around, I sewed DJ's hockey socks and started watching all three of the Lord of the Rings movies & played Skip-Bo (thanks for the idea Nikki).  I won of course.  We are preparing for The Hobbit this weekend.  That's right, on Friday husband & I are going on our first date since Hank was born.  Probably long over due, but I'm super excited and nervous to go out alone with DJ.  Movies and the out for drinks downtown afterwards with my bff and her man, look out!
OK now I'm off to take Hank to his dreaded hoo!


Anonymous said...

So funny!!! I can't wait till Friday xoxo mama

jamiedawn said...

Love him.

Anonymous said...

So funny!XOXOAunt V.