Wednesday, November 23, 2011

fancy nancy

I'm thankful today for my incredible mama.  She is the sweetest, most incredible woman you could ever meet and by far the most selfless.  She puts everyone's wants and needs far before her own.  I could not be luckier and I am reminded everyday just how special she is.  I'm thankful that when I'm sick or sad she has a very specific remedy to cure my ailments...soup and socks.  With out fail it cheers me up and I start to feel better.  (she will bring them to you too to make you feel better) Also, I'm so proud of her for going back to school and working so hard to get her degree.  You are amazing mama bear, I love you.
favorite picture of mama and baby me
Happy Turkey Day Eve! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are an amazing woman Laura.. I have read this a several times and cry harder every time.. You are the reason my days are blessed since the day you were born!! Your love, your beauty, and your encouragement bring so much happiness into my heart. There is nothing in life that makes me happier than to hear you laugh, to see how much you love, to feel the contentment in your heart when we talk. You make me laugh when I need it most, you make me feel blessed everyday and you are what I am most thankful for every day... I love you Laura, Mama xoxoxo