Friday, March 30, 2012

pregnant and i know it

I know this is so stupid but it really made me giggle.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Despite the gorgeous weather last week and a victory from DJ's hockey team, the past week was a heart breaking one.  DJ's Grandma Helen passed away on St. Patrick's Day.  I can't tell you how sad my poor husband and his family have been.  It absolutely tears me apart to see them so broken.
photo credit: marianne worlow photography
 Grandma Helen is in a better place and as my very wise mother said, I know she will now be an angel to the precious baby inside of me.  DJ and I were home when we received the call about Grandma Helen.  DJ spent the night re-telling me stories about his Grandma and his childhood.  We pulled down boxes of old photos.  Old photos of his grandma, but also old photos of his mother, father, grandpa (whom I never met), including photos from their childhood.  It was so lovely to hear these stories again and to try to guess who's who in these beautiful old photos.  To top it off, we discovered about eleven old rolls of film and disposable cameras that had never been developed!

Grandma Helen will be greatly missed.  The funeral and the day was spent sharing stories of what a wonderful and selfless woman she truly was.  The pastor that married my husband and I was also the pastor that led the funeral services.  He said something that really resonated with me.  He said that you can tell the type of person someone was by the fruit that they bare.  Helen Daisy Kelly Johnson had 4 daughters, nine grandchildren and even 4 great grandchildren with one on the way.  The proof of what a wonderful person she was is evident in this incredible family that I am so proud to be a part of. Rest in peace Grandma Helen.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

weekend inventory

The weekend went by too fast as usual but it was relaxing for the most part.  Here are some highlights...

lunching with girlfriends when these guys showed up / Colasanti's in Highland

The geese at Colasanti's were not having it / Peacocks!

Peacock seduction / mini moose cup from Colasanti's

giant strawberries / stargazer lily


yummmm, dinner with the in-laws

B. Rue and our out of control snack bowl

my new obsession / the baby was the size of a peach last week

Monday, March 19, 2012


...or lack-there-of.  For the most part the first trimester was without cravings.  Between feeling dizzy and not having a taste for much of anything, I actually didn't even realize that I was eating something so out of my normal diet.  It was actually DJ who told me how weird it was that I kept using it as a go-to meal.

There it is though, I'm craving corn dogs?!?!  I have ingested a total of maybe 5 corn dogs in my entire life.  If fact, I kind of thought they were gross.  Now, I have found myself buying them at the grocery store and seeking them on every menu of every restaurant we visit.  It's strange, but they are so g-o-o-d, GOOD!

On the other end of the spectrum though, I have had many aversions to food.  It's starting to calm down recently and thankfully.  For example chicken, that I have previously seen uncooked, really grosses me out.  It started off mildly enough and I thought maybe it was just the chicken I was eating at that very moment, but now it had progressed to an uncooked poultry revolt.  If I've ever seen the meat in a raw state I won't come anywhere near the stuff.  Also my usual sweet tooth has all but disappeared.  I've actually had chocolate in my house for a measurable length of time.  So bizarre.

 The start of the second trimester so far seems promising.  I have started to be able to pin point what I'm hungry for, the nausea has settled and I have more energy overall.  The picture above is not a representation of my new found energy.

Someone please share with me your wild pregnancy cravings!

Friday, March 16, 2012

spring sprang

Hallelujah!  It's freakin' nice out this week!  DJ called me at work on Wednesday to make sure that when I went home for lunch that I opened the windows and turned OFF the heat!  Better still, today started a much needed four day weekend! After spending a month plus studying for my investment licenses and narrowly surviving (hey series 7, I hated you), I am in desperate need for some time off.  Last night started the weekend off right. DJ's team played the final game of a very heated final playoff round and the series was tied at 2-2 until my man's team won last night!!!  I am so happy that after spending many nights cheering the guys on that they came out on top and won the whole thing!

The promise of warm weather is enough to get me thinking about blooms, sun dresses and open-toed shoes.  I am so in love with pastels this year and for the first time I don't think they are too cliche for spring.  In fact I think they are just right.  Coral, peach and that gorgeous ocean color is fueling my desperate need to go shopping. 

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Happy weekending and thanks mother nature.  I really needed to see the 70's.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

baby, baby, baby, ohhhhh!

Knocked up, preggo, bun in the oven...anyway you slice it I'm pregnant!  Baby Bloom is on the way you guys!  We could not be happier over here.  That little bird is growing bigger everyday and it feels like the most wonderful time of my entire life.  I have never been more filled with love than at this very point.  I want to talk about nothing but that sweetness inside of me.  Keeping it a secret has probably been the hardest secret to keep.  Ever.

That right there is our little bird's first picture.  Monday was our first doctors appointment and DJ and I sat holding hands while the doctor took measurements.  We waited eagerly for the doctor to turn the screen around so that we could see OUR baby for the first time and when he finally did I nearly sobbed at seeing the tiniest heart fluttering away.  We made a baby! 

Our due date is October 9th, 2012.  That's right, our wedding anniversary is also our baby's due date!  Could it be anymore meant to be?  At our doctors appointment on Monday the doctor actually said that we are a week ahead of what we originally thought so Baby Bloom will probably come a lot earlier than October 9th, but since that day was so special to us he said that he wouldn't change our due date :)

Get here soon little bird!  We already love you so much!